I woke up at a comfortable time, had my breakfast, cleaned up half my front porch, made a meal for my boyfriend and here I am with a happy Sunday!
I have realised that the simpler I keep my life, happier I am. In fact it is not about happy or sad...It's just calm, peaceful, everyday small things that keep me happy.
This is a destination and I want to celebrate it with this post. I wasn't always a happy person. In fact I counted on only big events to add to my happiness jar. As time went by, I had fewer and fewer things to count on and I became a sad little person moving around in my negative blob of energy. Obviously with that sort of energy, nothing worked.
But as they say, every challenge is an opportunity to learn something new. If it weren't for those tough times, I would have never realised what it takes to be happy. I used every bit of that opportunity to explore what was messing me up. Here's a short list of things to do to cheer up your life. These worked for me, and if you are out of ideas, you could use some of mine.
A. Negative energy is contagious. If you are feeling sad , chances are that it's inside as well as outside of you. It is very difficult to work on the inside without getting some fresh air. So first thing to do is to get out of negative places/people/conversations/influences such as TV or movies! Start with the easier options first: stop watching series such as Game of Thrones, the least you should do is read all that crap. It's dramatic, exciting , everyone's talking about it....Yeah right! And those negative vibrations are somewhere down there rocking your boat. Martin made his money , he got what he wanted but it's up to each one of us to choose whether we want that sort of negativity in our lives.
B. Negative people bring negative conversations: It is not very difficult to find really positive people around. And you would be surprised to find that the really simple, calm ones are the most positive lot. The more extravaganza you see in a person, rest assured ,negativity is bound to come with them. It's simple math. Happiness is simple. Complication comes out of ego. And ego is negative. Although finding a 100% positive person may not be possible, it is also true that you will attract people depending on the vibration that you send out. If your negativity is at 80%, people with tolerance level to 20% negativity will keep out of you. Even if that person is standing right in front of your eyes , you won't vibe.
C. Start doing the simple things: Growing plants from seeds has been one such completely positive experience for me. So is taking care of pets, or simply spending time talking to them. Next are kids....Kids naturally have a high positive dimension (at least the one's I run into), I absolutely love spending time with them. Read positive books. One sure shot way to reduce the drama in our lives is to choose what material we read and watch. Ever since I have stopped watching movies and reading popular fiction, the drama in my life has disappeared.
D. Watch every input in your system: Food : Another important input is food. Who is cooking it? What is their state of my when they cooked it? Are they calm and content people or always hot headed and falling sick? Are they cooking out of love? What are their intentions for you?
Conclusion: I love to eat home made food, and especially by people who are loving and nice. I look at the person first, their temperament, what they talk etc and then sign up to eat with them. Ofcourse, this isnt always possible...But I like to follow it as much as possible. Fortunately my mom and my boyfriend are fantastic cooks and calm, simple people...Makes my life easier to follow this rule.
E. Watch your output: Words, both spoken and written. Some bad words are popular and make us feel cool but they don't help us raise our vibration. So first thing, stop cussing. This one was a tough one for me as I was too used to using a certain peculiar word in every sentence. I have reduced it, but once in a while it happens and I immediately regret it.
Thoughts: What kind of thoughts we get depends completely on what we have put into our system. Feed the brain garbage and that is what you will have. In order to think good thoughts, watch your input closely.
Why to bother with all this???
Be the change you want to see in the world. We often complain about the negativity in our system, blame our politicians or superiors. I believe we end up in those places and face those situations because we have that negativity in us. You will see the difference the moment you start working on raising your vibration. There will be fewer instances of running into bad people. Yes you may change your career like I did mine. Corporate law is one of the most negative to choose as a career. But I applied the breaks of that car and got out of it and ran as far as I could to save my life.
I am happier, calmer and getting better as a human being. Better clothes, titles, and false prestige from near and dear one's feels good from the outside. But what truly matters is how I feel inside and that is where my focus is. If my inside environment is good, my outside is good. It's just a reflection.
Try this experiment.
It's worth it.