It's an old movie and one of my favourite. The reason it is my favorite is because it has a female hero. I had spoken so much about it to my boyfriend that we finally found time last night to watch it.
"It's so good...Isn't it?" I asked him , wide eyed excited to hear his opinion.
" Yeah it's good. Something like Rajnikanth movies. She is able to do absolutely everything, survive any challenge and fight the best trained commandos and spies of America and Russia! Best!"
It took some time to sink in. One of my favourite hollywood action movie was compared to south india's superhero movie! I laugh at Rajanikanth movies because they defy logic.i could never understand why they were such hits. I saw a few clips where he rides a bike off a cliff and lands on a parachute where the villain has captured the heroine. And another time he beats his feet on the ground and the vibration is enough to kill the enemies. It's good comedy at best. One needs to park their brains at home and happily go to the theatre to get entertained . Salt, is an intense movie.
But watch closely and you definitely see the similarities. The plot is interesting of course, acting perfect. Technically Hollywood movies nail it. But is it possible for one person to be so highly trained, smart to outdo everyone? That too a normal human being. Not a superman!
If Evelyn Salt can jump from one trailer to the other on a multi storeyed highway at around 120km/hr, murder the Russian Prime Minister who has z security and get away with it, fall/jump from the helicopter into ice cold lake and escape...then absolutely, Rajanikanth can beat his legs on the ground and kill people, he can catch the bullet midway and change its direction to wherever he wishes!
😋 If this is possible, that is also possible!
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