Saturday, January 19, 2019

Day 30-WEC- Issues that we choose in regular life

(By issues I mean issues that we support such as environment, women and child, education, better healthcare etc. )

It's the issues that we support that shape our lives.
It all started way back in the year 1996. I was attending my first environmental awareness camp at Bondla organised by WWF ( World Wide Fund For Nature) . I was only 11 then, a kid, but the issues discussed that time are relevant even today. The focus of the camp was on conservation, little lifestyle changes to lead a more responsible life.
Now at 33, I see those lessons showing up when I choose my career, lifestyle, partner etc.

That's good education for you! That's effective learning. I still remember the nature trails, projects and activities, documentaries . That was my first introduction to forests and nature and the love affair only became deeper.

I also see the difference in the kids who attended those kinds of camps and kids who only focussed on school based education. The school based one's maybe doing fantastic as far as financial success may go, but I don't see them acting very educated when it comes to the environment. They seem focussed only on the rat race and are happily ignorant about world affairs.

There are so many issues surrounding us and we can choose any one to start with.

Stand up for something outside of your life please.

Maybe you believe in child and women related issues- what are you doing about that?
"No I am very busy, I am working 11 hours a day but I am donating money to those organisations!"
But we need more.
We often feel if we pay someone we are absolved of our duties. You may be paying some organisation to do the job But when you see a child being employed at a hotel, do you question them? Do you do your part?

"We already have so many things happening in our lives- that boss is eating my head, my mother in law is another creature from I don't know where , I am already struggling in my own life."

We all are.

We can still choose to focus on something outside of our little world, and give it priority as much as we give those issues inside our world and see the difference. Your life starts transforming into something else. Step by step, year by year, you see yourself increasingly standing up for a cause until you become a leader of that cause. You speak up louder, stronger until more people around you notice you.

That's the power of choosing an issue to focus on.
It takes years to see them bloom, but they do...They are like those seeds that take years to grow roots inside you and suddenly, they sprout and grow so fast, making the world a bit better place to live in !

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