Tuesday, January 1, 2019

WEC-Day 13-The charm of Bhagavad Gita

One of the brightest achievements of 2018 for me was reading the BG. I read the pocket version by Gita press in 2 days and was overwhelmed by the effect it had on my head. Before reading the pocket BG, I was on a novel reading spree. I had read 4 to 5 books back to back, so my speed was at an all time high. Reading BG as if it is a novel is a mistake of epic sort! Words are simple, there is no problem understanding anything. But every sentence requires very deep thought. It's as if every statement of Gita hits a note in your subconscious, like a bell! So you can imagine how many bells I rang in 2 days and what it must have done to my head!Exactly!
From day 3 onwards I was vibrating internally. By day 7 my thought process went on a toss. I couldn't do much, life came to a full stop. I thought everything I ever did was a mistake , I saw my life as a big messy room that needs cleaning from scratch. My brother realised something was wrong with me and asked me what I was up to. When I told him what I had done , he rolled his eyes in his classic style and asked ," sutla goh? Gita ashi vachtaat? Mental hospitalan pavat tu begin" (' have you totally lost it? Is this the way one reads a spiritual text like Bhagavad Gita? You will end up in a mental asylum soon!')
I took the next 2 weeks off from any major brain work. Because I couldn't think anything apart from Gita. I wondered what got me to Gita at age 33? Why not earlier? At least I could have saved myself from some of the errors. After beating myself up over all the fallacies, I picked up the Gita once again and this time, started reading it slowly.
Gita has the answers to all my spiritual wanderings. The only problem is that the solution requires some major adjustments in my life.
So what point did I pick up for change?
Satvik Lifestyle. This means no tamsik foods ( I am still not completely satvik since I eat onion ..but I am painfully aware of what I put in my mouth now than I ever was).
It also means no using swear words, no cussing at people and not even thinking a tamsik thought. This is tough. Ever since I adopted this lifestyle I am getting more agitated by what people around me are doing and it's hard to not lose it on them. It's a constant internal struggle....I have to keep reminding myself to "smile, laugh, let go, breathe in, forgive, that's okay, all is well, even this shall pass, Pass....PASS!" Pass on the opportunity to react to the next player.
Some things some people do tests my patience. Such as.. why add me to groups on whatsapp I am not interested in being a part of? No thank you very much I dont want to meet any new or old people from past or future .I am already struggling with what's on my plate, why dig any more graves?
Satvik lifestyle also means a calm demeanour, a watchful aware mind in my private moments. Its not just about what I portray to the world outside, what's the point of trying to fool the world? The work starts internally first and then shows outside because there can not be two in one single individual. You can't be behaving different outside and think something else inside...what a disaster that is.
From 1st Jan , I have started reading BG once again. A verse a day on an average. It's a good practice. One that should have been started in young age. Anyway, they say things come to you at the time when you are ready for it.

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