Monday, January 7, 2019

WEC- Day 18- Not so happy Mondays!

I did get around to do some of the things on my to do list, but majorly I didn't achieve much. I have a mind block on Monday. I have observed it for a long time. I don't do any job so Mondays shouldn't suck, but old habits die hard. And there is generally something in the air that smells like Monday which aint too good...Hmmm....

Actually, Monday for us here in Margao is a holy day. It is the day of Shiva. The Mondays on which I visit temples and do all things spiritual and divine, it's a good Monday. But if I keep this day as my usual work day, then .....Well! It's a waste!

I should remember this next time.
Mondays should be kept for outdoor visits- temples especially.

The good things that happened today: ( Good things always happen on every day) : I made a new flowerbed out of an old basin!!! Yaaay! And it was so much fun!

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