Friday, January 4, 2019

WEC-Day15- I feel stuck in between two worlds

As I move an inch closer to Ayurveda, meditation, calmer life and a step further from my old life...I realise that in the same location, I am dealing with two separate dimensions. No, the juggle isn't fun. One seems shallow, immature , fake...other looks divine, profound and sustainable. I am aware that usually there are problems with every system. No system is perfect. It all depends on the level of tolerance and acceptance.

Now, here's the situation. The ritualistic/vedic/old/traditional system that I am walking towards has been systematically rejected by people.
A. Because it was too strict.
B. Didn't suit them/ didn't make them happy.
C. It was forced on them by society or family. 

This is what I feel about my current social system:
A. only thing that matters is material possessions.
B. Doesn't suit me/ doesn't make me happy/content/fulfilled.
C. I feel I am forced to keep up with a certain lifestyle that I don't want to follow.

The way out is knowledge. I am reading Swami Vivekanand extensively to try and understand how to manage this switch.

Surprisingly, there are a lot more answers in Swami's writings than what I expected.

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