Thursday, January 17, 2019

Day 29 - WEC - I am the Minority in this democracy!

In my society, a person who takes tough decisions is looked down upon as a weak person.
I find a complete lack of thinking or critical abilities in people.
They don't debate or put forth their points, they either mock you or they get offended.
Clarity of thought and originality is an extinct species. And when I do see those traits in people I am excited to meet them. But those kinds are far and few, far off from the usual crowd.
I live in a funny world, everything everyone does seems like a joke to me. I tried taking it seriously, I really tried hard but then , well! I realised it wasn't worth any effort. One just can't talk sense in a gathering of jokers!

And I asked myself who am I to think that I am better than these kinds I am talking about. Who am I to criticise, question and point fingers?

Well I am a citizen, a part that is in absolute minority of this democracy.
Who said democracy is made up of only gender distinctions, or caste and creed and religious and social distinctions? It is also made up of thought distinctions. There is a small class of people like me who disagree with the direction our society is going in. We disagree with the kind of programs allowed on television which is making our people dumber than ever, we disagree with the education system which is manufacturing useless fools, we disagree with the governments policy with corporations allowing them to pollute our land and finish our resources. We are the rare thinking souls fighting for our survival in a world inCreasingly systematically made and kept dumb.

Nobody is paying us to think, and THEREFORE we THINK. But it's still free! Thank God! Isn't this the quality that sets us apart from the animal kingdom!? The ability to think, to question, to change!

It's a lonely place for me. I am being attacked regularly, there is no law in place to protect my species and I don't see it ever being there too. I have to fend for myself and others like me.

In the talk and fight over religions, genders etc, my voice is too small to  make any heads turn.

But hello! I am here, I am alive and I want to thrive!
Please don't kill me, my voice matters.
And I will fight till my last breath!

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