Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day 32- WEC- The beauty of simplicity

Recently I discovered simplicity like never before. Every concept has layers to it, like an onion and as you go deeper you discover more. Therefore different people have different definitions regarding the same concepts. Someone understands simplicity as wearing nude make up, for someone else no make up is being simple- it's all about each one's interpretation.

I have realised that the more simple I keep my life, more beautiful it becomes. Whether it's food, clothes, friends and relatives, work and goals....just keep it as simple as you can think of at the current moment. My simple may not be someone else's simple, and that's okay, because obviously everything works from my level of understanding. If I go to copy someone else , Or give higher regard to someone else's opinion over mine then I lose the meaning of my life. Then nothing matters. If I am going to live someone else's life, then nothing matters. You know what I mean?

Anyway, as I go deeper and deconstruct everything to it's most basic , simplest form, I find treasure never known to me. Each level is a new revelation. For an example, take Dress code. The more complicated you make it, the more uncomfortable one gets. You want to make an impression? Find out in which clothes or accessories or materials you are most comfortable. It is my experience that I am happiest in the jewellery that I wear regularly over diamonds, I am happier in cottons and lighter breathable material, I am happier in flats, I love my natural hair color and recently I even discovered that I don't need any make up. My natural skin tone and glow is so beautiful that no make up can match it. One can make a statement with simplicity alright? Or maybe it's just my perspective. Even I notice and prefer others who are simple in their living and demeanor. I have learnt that such kinds have more depth over the flashy lot. Just my opinion, not a judgement! Or maybe it is a judgement...oh do you differentiate experience from judgement? Don't we draw conclusions from our experiences? Would that be called judgement? But there are always exceptions. And they are very few.

To conclude: Simple is beautiful!
And I have started my journey towards that end.
Simple writing too is a part of that. 😃

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