Thursday, January 3, 2019

WEC-Day 14- Acceptance is the key

Ever since I have converted to Vegetarianism, some members of my family mock me at every family event. For This and some other reasons, I am unusually more agitated today than most other days and so I put up this status message on my whatsapp "Please do not interfere with my life decisions, Thank you very much!"
Is this a new phenomena?
I have always been criticised for my choices and questioned over my decisions. Some went wrong, others went right, but thats not the focus. Focus is that I am targeted. I don't see that happening with my other cousins and friends. Either I present a personality ripe for mockery (because I retort) or I genuinely lead a life that makes people question my sanity.
I spent the whole day 'mourning' over this phenomena. Why me? What wrong have I done?
Now I realise I should have taken this challenge sportingly. Definitely there is something about me...why don't I enjoy that about me? Do I know what it is? And rather than fighting it, start partying with the questions and comments directed towards me.
Today, there is a family event and I have decided to enjoy it. No matter who says what. Laugh heartily, giggle. When someone asks a question to taunt....Just say 'I don't know' or say 'You know what? you are right, but I will anyway do exactly as I like...but you are right...I like what you are saying...' or simply smile and nod and say nothing.
Observation is the key.

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