Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Day 26- WEC- Too much socialising is bad for health!

I come from a family that loves socialising and partying.
I happen to be a bit of a misfit. I don't like socialising and partying. I have tried learning and mastering these skills but I am not able to derive any pleasure out of those activities anymore.

The noise, over excited people, hyper everything, incessant talking/gossipping, bad food, people who are absolutely unaware of their spiritual side and too much into the material and physical realms...The whole thing is a weird , unintellectual, boring, waste of time kind of mixture that I am not able to digest anymore.

(At a particular point in my life I have overdone everything. Perhaps that is why I am bored of that kind of lifestyle and seeking something that makes more sense. )

And yet I can't avoid these events because these are my people, I don't want to hurt them. But I realise that bit by bit it has started biting into me.

But my spiritual study also tells me to not react, observe everything, accept everything....There must be a reason why I am still here , some lessons I still haven't learnt.

I wonder what I missed out! And I hope I learn those lessons soon so I can get on with the next level.

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