There are so many things that I want to write about, that I want to express.
About people I met recently and how sick they were and how beautiful some other souls were.
About misunderstandings that arise between two perfectly well intentioned souls.
About my insecurities, about my love for the world.
But then some small voice inside me stops me. It says,"Why are you opening up your heart to people? You don't know what kind of person is on the other side and reading your innermost thoughts. They may misuse this."
And this has happened.
My frank and upfront nature has been the cause of many sleepless nights.
Most people are just not worth the truth!
But some are.
Very few are.
And this goes out to them.
This risk must be taken.
Because the true souls are worth every bit of pain suffered to connect to them.
There was a time I wanted to be a writer.
That urge and desire isn't there anymore.
You want to be something when somewhere inside you believe that you aren't that.
But when you are 'it', you don't want 'to do' those things.
I can not be a writer or a story teller or a lover !
I am all that and so much more.
I recently got connected to Instagram and I always get stuck at that "Bio" part where we are supposed to introduce ourselves.
How silly is that?
You just write what you know about yourself. write what you 'like' about yourself.
You write what you are proud of showing to the world.
But that's not the real you.
You are just putting up a nice face!
That's because you are afraid of saying the truth!
You are afraid people won't like you if they know that about you.
But you do know that about yourself, and you hide it. You hide it to your grave.
So nobody knows the whole story.
How sad!
I don't want that to happen to me.
I want people to know my whole truth.
The good, the bad, and the unknown.
You know there is always that don't know what it it good? is it bad?
I want to tell the world about the experiences I explored.
I have explored love in so many forms. The love affair I have With my pets, my family, my dreams, my plants,my innumerable lovers and with my country.
You can't be someone who loves that deeply and doesn't hate as much deeply.
They both go hand in hand,
and so I have also hated.
I have explored hate in so many forms. The hate I feel towards animal abusers, the hate I feel for the people who hurt my family members, the rage I feel when someone disrespects my dreams, my heart is torn when my plants die for reasons I don't know yet, I so wished I could talk to them and understand what they need and give it when they were still alive....The hate I feel towards my ex lovers for the way they treated me, and towards people who harm my country.
As I swing between love and hate, between compassion and pain
and between reaching out and holding in, I live!
With this inner turmoil , I breathe.
About people I met recently and how sick they were and how beautiful some other souls were.
About misunderstandings that arise between two perfectly well intentioned souls.
About my insecurities, about my love for the world.
But then some small voice inside me stops me. It says,"Why are you opening up your heart to people? You don't know what kind of person is on the other side and reading your innermost thoughts. They may misuse this."
And this has happened.
My frank and upfront nature has been the cause of many sleepless nights.
Most people are just not worth the truth!
But some are.
Very few are.
And this goes out to them.
This risk must be taken.
Because the true souls are worth every bit of pain suffered to connect to them.
There was a time I wanted to be a writer.
That urge and desire isn't there anymore.
You want to be something when somewhere inside you believe that you aren't that.
But when you are 'it', you don't want 'to do' those things.
I can not be a writer or a story teller or a lover !
I am all that and so much more.
I recently got connected to Instagram and I always get stuck at that "Bio" part where we are supposed to introduce ourselves.
How silly is that?
You just write what you know about yourself. write what you 'like' about yourself.
You write what you are proud of showing to the world.
But that's not the real you.
You are just putting up a nice face!
That's because you are afraid of saying the truth!
You are afraid people won't like you if they know that about you.
But you do know that about yourself, and you hide it. You hide it to your grave.
So nobody knows the whole story.
How sad!
I don't want that to happen to me.
I want people to know my whole truth.
The good, the bad, and the unknown.
You know there is always that don't know what it it good? is it bad?
I want to tell the world about the experiences I explored.
I have explored love in so many forms. The love affair I have With my pets, my family, my dreams, my plants,my innumerable lovers and with my country.
You can't be someone who loves that deeply and doesn't hate as much deeply.
They both go hand in hand,
and so I have also hated.
I have explored hate in so many forms. The hate I feel towards animal abusers, the hate I feel for the people who hurt my family members, the rage I feel when someone disrespects my dreams, my heart is torn when my plants die for reasons I don't know yet, I so wished I could talk to them and understand what they need and give it when they were still alive....The hate I feel towards my ex lovers for the way they treated me, and towards people who harm my country.
As I swing between love and hate, between compassion and pain
and between reaching out and holding in, I live!
With this inner turmoil , I breathe.