Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 51- WEC- Lose some , win some!

I am generally happy about my life at this point.
I am actually doing a lot of the things that were just dilly dallying on my "To Do List" since 2014.
For an example, two of the activities were:  "Meditate Regularly" and "Grow your own veggies". I am actually doing these two very important activities and they have increased my overall life satisfaction score.
I also almost have the kind of balance between legal work, my passion for writing and doing community related work about recycling dry waste and composting the wet waste.
I don't always get it right of course.
Some days I read, some days I don't.
Some days I write, some days I don't.
Some days I do legal work, other days I don't.

Do I make a lot of money ?

Am I happy?
I am peaceful!  :-)

I have realised that the shift from "How is this going to benefit me?" To "How is this going to benefit people around me?" has made me more guilt free and happy than just thinking about my career goals, my money, my success etc.

It has taken me quite some time to  get here, it has been a wonderful journey.

You want to know the trick to be more peaceful?

A. Quit Competition of all kinds!
In your career, pay, looks, dressing, success . It's just such a dumb concept! When we compete , we believe that we are against someone else. And that's a self sabotaging strategy. Get this right- we are not 'against' others, we are in fact ' a part of the whole'! I don't compete with my mom or my mum in law, or my sister or my sister in law or my best friend....or my Husband..then why not spare the rest of the world? What is making me look/sound better than the other women or the other men going to give me? A superiority complex, arthaat 'Ego Boost'. That brings me to point no. 2

B. Wage a war against your Ego!
It's not the break up's or the fights we have with our colleagues or Managers that hurt us more than Our own Ego. This Ego is a devil sitting inside our heads and making us work against ourselves by giving us a notion that it's actually good for us.
It's hard to understand exactly at what point to take a stand against someone else because of their behaviour towards you or others, because of this Ego element in between the transaction. Do I want to take a stand because I am hurt, and am I hurt because of my Ego ? Or should this behaviour be curbed for the benefit of many? I run myself through these screens before red flagging my own behaviour or those of others- whether it's my family or at work place.
As a rule, no matter in what setting, abusive -aggressive behaviour is to be shot down at first sight.

C. Downsize, Stop running behind manufactured ideas of success, adventure and happiness!
This has been the biggest relief! No need to run behind jobs and fatter pay to spend money on clothes, drinks, parties, traveling etc.
I understand there are people who really love dressing up, their desire has gone beyond all good sense and the toll it takes on our environment and resources. And I also understand there are people ( I was one of them) for whom adventure means traveling, scouting, parties - Yo!
Well! A continuous traveling life does tend to put pressure on our minds. So does running behind adventure activities, jobs, higher qualifications....I have done it all and realised that everything I was ever searching for was right here, in Goa, where I am.
The entire running behind things business was expensive, exhausting and unfortunately ended with no great lessons learnt.

D. Identify the activities that bring you 'Nirmal Anand' / Peace:
What are the things you do when nobody pays you? Or nobody asks you to do, yet you do, because of something so strong within? It takes years to identify these activities. And most of the times they are the really small everyday things around us.
For an example, I love spending time with my pets and around the trees, it's such a satisfying and absolutely free of any cost activity.
I also love going to the library and spend time amongst books. I enjoy my time alone at home, I enjoy my time with kids, I also enjoy searching for old clothes in my mom's closet and try to convert those fabrics into something else.
All these are activities that require no money and yet give me so much joy.

E. Closer to nature, closer to spirituality :
If you have already done the above, then you would naturally bend closer to the nature and nature will direct you to spirituality. People who have no clue about the nature of their souls are truly lost. They are so engaged in everything outside of them that they have no clue what's happening inside. And what's happening inside is everything..it's the real world! But well....it's a long journey!

That's it!
Just 5 points and you are on your way to a Peaceful life.

I wish you all peace and harmony, love and abundance!

be happy!

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