Friday, July 19, 2019

Day 53- WEC- Three Stories of three women!

Story 1:

There is a very smart woman and she wants to do a lot in her life and she is capable. But she doesn't find good support system in her family. She tries to take them together and walk forward on the road to progress.....but somehow the burden of their rejection and negative approach towards her is too much. So she decides to walk alone, without any support from anybody. Step by step, she makes herself stronger, with every passing day she learns new lessons. She doesn't stop, she pushes on, she achieves her goals and her dreams. In the process she leaves her loved one's far behind. The loneliness is her comfort zone now. There are vultures attacking her everywhere , she fights them bravely, scarred and bleeding, but she won't ask for help, she can't trust anybody . There is no turning back, there is nobody to look up to. Every step must be forward. Her defense system is high, nobody can breach the high walls. The thorns on these walls bleed the hands of even her well wishers and her friends. The walls keep her lonelier than she should be. There are good people around....but she can't see any. She fires at all targets blindly!

Story 2:

This is also a story of a woman.
This one is highly intelligent and calm. Powerful combination. Very early in her life, she and her family had to go through a very difficult situation. It was tough to survive it, but somehow they make it through, all of them. They are now a happy, close knit ,supportive family. But the memories of those years don't fade out from her mind. The fear and insecurity of that situation keeps surrounding her even today. She is still reacting to a situation that happened 15 years back. "What if it happens again? i must be prepared" She keeps telling herself. "I will make no mistake." She is filling up every gap, she is trouble shooting to that old problem even today. She is so busy looking out for the shore that almost sunk her ship that she misses noticing the shores that could take her to places.

Story 3:

There is yet another woman.
This one is a warrior princess. She was trained for battle since childhood. And she thought she was ready to take on the world.But her very first battle gave her the deepest of all wounds, her training didn't help cope with the situation. She lost the battle , she lost every war subsequently and that continued for such a long time that she lost her identity in the chaos of defeat!
"Had there been some mistake?" She thought, "What kind of training did they give me, I was duped! i am no warrior!" So she stays low and makes sure to get as far away as possible at the very whiff of conflict....but A warrior princess she is meant to be...wherever she goes, conflict follows ! The chase continues...Will she stop running away and turn around and look Conflict in the eye? Will she mount the horse and fight?

The first story is of a woman who has built very high defense mechanism to protect herself. That mechanism while it works against some, starts hurting the maker in the long run. The right step is  to get strong internally by bringing down the defenses  and fill oneself with positive potion so you can deal with  attacks calmly, without locking oneself down in a defense tower.

In the second story, the woman needs to make peace with herself and accept that whatever happened was not her fault, it has taught her some good lessons, it was necessary for her growth, have gratitude and walk ahead. Breaking out of the circle of fear and insecurity which has been formed due to repeated thinking patterns on the problem takes time and often feels painful. But it is necessary for the spiritual growth and one must accept it.She must break those thinking patterns consciously , so she needs to learn the techniques of breaking them and apply them regularly.

As Lord Krishna says in the Bhagawad Gita, a warrior must fight the battle. There is no place for a coward on a battlefield. The third woman must pick her sword again and she must get back to war in order to win over her fear of failure.

All of us are stuck at different stages of our life. Some of us are stuck in our towers of fear, some of us are tired of running away from the problem, some others still are wondering what is happening  and are unaware of the patterns or the lessons to learn.

Eventually, we learn what we need to learn, it's a matter of time!

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