Sunday, February 24, 2019

Day46- WEC- It's the Climb!

For the last 2 to 3 days I couldn't absorb any new information into my system. Everything seemed to have come to a stop. All I could do was to sleep and kill time.

Then I realised our bodies have a way of handling different situations. My brain knows I am starting with a major study course from the 25th, I have been thinking over it and preparing myself for it for almost a year now. All preparations are made- Room cleaned, all health check up's done, all material ordered and kept in place. Now the only thing that needs to be done is to open myself up to the information, knowledge , wisdom that I will be receiving for the next 3 years. For that I have emptied my cup as much as I could of previous lessons. I have tried and broken walls and blockages to the flow of knowledge, whether that was fear, over confidence, lack of confidence, insecurity etc.

It took me some time to realise but I am empty of thoughts and concerns right now. My mind did try to mess around by clinging on to some old concerns for a while...but I gently put it in it's place. I need all the focus , and every bit of my intellect, willpower, maturity, ability to grasp and analyse to be able to climb now. I don't know how steep it will be. But I am ready!

On your marks,
Get set,

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