Friday, February 22, 2019

Day 45- WEC- Kangana Ranaut

I am proud of this woman for several reasons. She is the real hero. Although she is not my favourite actor, I like the way she represents women at every level.

I am surprised with the kind of attacks she is faced with on a regular basis. I wonder how I would have handled it , if I was in her place. Difficult!

Don't people think before posting a negative comment about somebody? Don't they think about themselves , like who am I to say that to her? What have I done in my life to mock her? Or at the least, okay , I don't understand what this woman is saying, but that doesn't give me any right to troll her or try and embarras her in any way. It's not like Kangana has personally hurt all these people who are attacking her , especially the online community. It's as if people have just decided to target her, like Alia Bhatt was targeted and called stupid when she entered the industry. Who are all these people spreading all this negativity? And what do they do in their lives? I can imagine how pathetic their condition must be. For no person coming from a decent background and with a happy life would ever think of mocking other people. It's only the sad people who do that.

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