Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Day 47-WEC- Leading to a potential war situation?

My day was different from the end of the day actually. I am learning the basics of Nyaya Shastra and my teachers are teenagers, a smart  boy of 15 and a young beautiful girl of around 14 years. And both of them are doing a fantastic job so far and I am enjoying my time with the kids.....I am the oldest student in that school, you know!

So obviously, I had no clue whatsoever of what's going around , especially at the border. I didnt know until 9 pm. After I had done some gardening and had my dinner and bathed and turned on my whatsapp to see messages flooded in some of the groups. That's when I turned on the news channels, most of them were celebrating like it were Holi or Diwali! One of the news anchors was so excited to report this surgical strike, he was jumping all over the place. And it was already 9.30 pm when I watched this and the strike happened sometime at 3.30 am. I wonder whether he has been jumping around this way the whole day? If he is, what's he on? Like what is he eating? Some others were arguing and fighting...I don't understand why they call it a debate. Isn't a debate about mature discussion? This was like two kids fighting over a toy! No, it was more like 'He hit me first' cry!

If you are digging for my opinion over this news, then I must confess I am disappointing you. I hold no opinion over the surgical strike.
A. I am neither the PM nor the Defence Minister nor the opposition to have an opinion.
B. No matter what my opinion is, does it really matter? Like can I really do some big change with that opinion? No.
C. Who said every citizen needs to have an opinion about everything that happens in this country? Can we just let some able leadership to do their job without jumping to conclusions or getting busy with opinion formation?

I am neither celebrating nor fearful, this is not a 'which side are you on' Issue!

I feel we Indians have become too opinionated! More than half of us don't have common sense, the other 30% don't know what it means to be rational, another 10% think just because they have some high qualification , or a particular bank balance, or some measure of success they can give an opinion about anything in this world...and their opinion has value just because they are successful!

What we need in such times is quiet observation!
Can we just shut up and observe whatever that is happening rather than reacting with celebration or opinion or rejection or anger etc. All this high drama is useless. Drama is good for theatre, dance and film makers but seriously, that's all where you can use it...for Entertainment! When we use drama in real life , real life becomes a Grand Circus and we go up and down like on a roller coaster!

So yeah, Air strikes have happened.
Global community (leaders) have acknowledged the situation and gave their opinion ( like as if that even matters now....where were they during 26/11...see, that's what opinion is worth! The global community gave an opinion then and they gave an opinion now....What happened of that opinion and this opinion? How has it helped? )
As of now, India and Pakistan are (once again) on a war zone ( is that even news now? When have we not been fighting? During Indus Valley Civilisation? Or did that civilisation also end due to a war with some tribe from India?)

P.N:: (This is for those who love to twist and  manipulate what others say in ways to confuse other readers by messing up with the intent of the written or spoken word) ::

I am not overlooking or ignoring the death of our Jawaans with this post! Or supporting any Party/ Organisation.

P.S: We should seriously start looking beyond Political Party and ideology and religious divisions, and all other divisions actually.

The world has mastered the Art of Dividing!
What we need now is a serious research, study, interest and intention to further the cause of the Art of Uniting!

Now that's called a balanced Opinion!

Jai Hind!

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