Found this wonderful channel on youtube called Satvik Movement. Here's the URL, I think you must listen to her.
Like many , I am losing faith in western medicine and dislike the way doctors prescribe expensive medicines for simple colds and coughs. Finding an alternative is time consuming mainly because it requires a full lifestyle change. I realised I can't be eating the same old food, do the same old things, read the same old books and become any different.
The different layers and dimensions at which this change has affected my life is not something I can note down in one blog post. From food to books to company to thoughts ....I can feel the wheels within me roll to a different beat and it all started with one big decision : to Become a vegetarian!
Nobody ever told me this , when you stop eating non veg and masala foods you will actually become calm, less angry and less agitated. I hear people complain about how they are getting more and more angry and how their temper is flying out of control. Simply meditating and exercising won't help. I have tried those 2, but without you changing the engine oil, your system won't work smooth.
It's something each one of us should decide.
People mock me for becoming a vegetarian but simply put, I am experiencing the bliss and those who are mocking me have their minds pushing and pulling them in ways they are sick of and yet they won't stop eating the wrong foods. Why? I wonder!
Somehow people think eating non veg is cool and being a vegetarian is ancient philosophy. People also tell me how multi cultural it is to be a non vegetatian...... "So that you never feel out of place in any country you visit."
Well! I happen to know a thing or two about logic and I can tell you more twisted logic* hasn't been used just to cover how blindly they are following western thought without questioning or using their intellect. That is because they do not have original thinking process. Original thought has been hijacked by advertisements ,marketing and social pressures.
* Twisted Logic is actually no logic. It's just some BS to prove your point, but you still want to believe it is logic. Logic is that which follows from clear thought process. "I am eating non veg because I like to eat it." is good. " I am eating non veg because I want to fit in with my foreign colleagues and their parties!" What's this BS?
Anyway, its Holiday time and I am getting to hear a lot of BS.
In order to keep my balance, I watch good videos, read good books and eat the right food.
" But it's my birthday today and I made the cake can you be so rude and not eat it?"
ahem ahem!
That's my life! :-)
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