Sunday, December 30, 2018

WEC- Day 10- How far can you go for the love of saree?

I had decided in my 20's that I would shift over to sarees as my primary dress code when I hit 30's. I like to wear sarees. Why I like sarees maybe because I always watched my mom in one and she looks gorgeous in a saree. Obviously, I want to look gorgeous too!

I am not sure how comfortable I would be wearing them daily though. ..But I guess it's about the mindset. I was most uncomfortable in formal office wear and high heels and I worked in them for the sake of the job! Sarees rank nowhere on the list of discomfort compared to formal western wear. Next in line is the swimsuit! Just to wear one and catwalk to the pool is a nightmare. One , because I can feel the eyes on me. Two, because I have never been comfortable exposing to that extent. And three, because it doesn't vibe with me.

Saree on the other hand completely vibes with me. Having so much fabric around me feels heavenly. I get a similar feeling when I do layering on contemporary wear. Scarves, shawls, jackets...Anything. Since a saree is also a lot of layers , it feels satisfying to carry it on.

Mamma is out for weddings and that is my favourite time to take out my favourite picks from her collection and try it on.

The time has finally come to finalize my own saree wardrobe as I head to the shastra shaala. I often wonder why I am so keen on this lifestyle change? Is it because I will finally have a reason to wear a saree every day? Lol! That would be totally weird...But knowing me, I can never be sure. I actually laid out all of them on my bed and even fell asleep in them! Waah! That was the best nap of my life!

Time to change! This is the 5th saree of the day I am draped in... :-)

Tata! And happy holidays!

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