Ever since I decided to spend the NYE by myself, my life or at least the start of a brand new year is a calm and a conscious affair! This lesson was learnt after a lot of failed parties and over drunk outings of course. Anyway, late aaye lekin durust aaye.
The hype of a new year and the excitement created through clever marketing is hard to match the environment inside me. I am usually in a good mood at say around 7 on 10. That's my normal range. The expectation these events create is of a 10 on 10 or a 12 on 10...Something unbelievable. Then the event actually takes place and the mood drops down to a 5 or something because expectations were not met.
The best strategy now is to not believe marketing, advertisements and the social call for Celebrations. Each person's happiness index is different and I don't think it's a clever idea to forcefully try and match them all at 12 midnight. That way we overlook our own wellbeing in the interest of the sentiment of everyone around.
I like being my genuine self. Not feel pushed or pulled by the sentiment outside me, and be in touch with the ambience within me as much as possible. That way I get a better handle over my moods and deeper feelings and can drive my life the way I like it. Neither too fast nor slow, not North or South..Just follow the inner radar and I am fine!
I was at home this NYE. I studied the first few chapters of Sanskrit text book and practised some of the exercises. Had a quiet dinner with my family. Then went for a night stroll with my pets outside my house. My cat loves to sit on the swing with me and watch the night activities around. While my dogs like to sniff the compound for the last check of the day before they hit the sack. Had a simple, straight conversation with my boyfriend before bed and woke up with a smile on my face - and a small realization.. I can treat every day as a brand new year and feel awesome about it. Why do I need a calender to celebrate this life?
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