Saturday, December 29, 2018

WEC- Day 9- Grow a plant!

Recently, I started learning how to grow plants and take care of them. The goal is to be self sustainable in the next 10 years and reduce dependence on the government and companies to provide for food, clothing, shelter etc.

This needs a complete lifestyle change . And that is a tough call. I have never grown food, or stitched clothes or made the furniture I use, or made the houses I lived in. I feel it would be totally cool to be able to take care of all my needs. Imagine the learning curve offered by this lifestyle! Wow!

It was in 2012 that I heard of people living life off the grid in Canada and in some other western countries. Initially I was doubtful whether I would be able to do the same. Was I okay experimenting alone? Experience taught me that I need company.
It took me time and hard work and a lot of risky ventures.....
I am happy to announce that I found my tribe.  :-)
Which means I am falling out of my old tribe. The transition is a bit stressful, people question all the time, sometimes they mock, other times they comment and make fun of me because they don't understand the philosophy of my life. Initially it hurt me, it got me upset but eventually I realised it's not coming from a bad place. These are my people, they care about me, they want me...It's just that me falling out of their tribe isn't something they appreciate. I understand their sentiment.

But I must live a life on my terms. I must live a life which makes sense to me. If it is against the flow, then be it.

And it all starts with growing a small plant.
A small idea in 2012 has germinated today. After so many years working underground. It's a very happy day for me. I know that the journey is very long. I need to protect and nurture this baby plant until it can be on its own. It feels like motherhood. Let me tell you this...This is any day more satisfying than passing an important exam or getting a good job somewhere or earning a fat paycheck. I swear this feels good. Try it. Take a seed and plant it in a pot, care for it every day...And watch it grow..That small thing in the mud has the power to suck your negativity, stress and uplift your vibration a great deal and make you into a better human being.

I don't know why they don't share this wisdom in schools?
We don't need information , we need wisdom!

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