Saturday, December 22, 2018

Falling Deeper- WEC- Day 2

This time I caught myself right in that moment ....Do you remember? That time when you quietly slipped a stage deeper in love?

That is a scary moment!

You know you are thinKing more about him than usual. You can't eat your meal without wondering whether your better half has had his. Every celebration feels incomplete without his presence. You got to call or text them once a day at least..... even when you know you are meeting him at night. And something feels amiss if you don't spend countless hours in his arms - doing absolutely nothing of great importance....Just running fingers through his hair, or telling him about every small thought that crossed my Mind...

Love is a scary place. It's like an animal that everyone touches blindfold and nobody knows what it really is...Some say  it's nasty, some say it's complicated...Some think it's beautiful, soft , loving.....

This time, like no other time before, I realised that I am on my journey into that little known and a little unknown world again.

Do I want to do it again?

I want to.

Love is worth it.
Very few things in life are as worth as love. It is risky, it is scary, it may be painful, it may hurt, I may wish I had not done it...I may regret. But no I won't stop until I find out what it is.

Someone at some point comes around and he makes it worth every tear you shed in the past, worth every year you thought you wasted. Suddenly the dark place lights up with thousand colors. It's not a place outside, it's a place inside your heart, inside your brain and it runs wild through your veins.

If you are someone who got hurt in the process, I'd say....."Hang on in there ....Be true to yourself and keep walking....It takes time , it takes patience, it takes tremendous faith...But that beautiful place exists."

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