Thursday, December 20, 2018

Write Everyday Challenge- day 1

I have been writing since I was 13 years old.
I started writing in English because I wasn't good at it and I studied in an English medium school where we were punished for speaking in our mother tongue. ( That is how they systematically kill the local language and culture...Bit by bit)

Writing quickly became a habit I loved. I didn't need to open up to anyone because I was writing about it. And I could write whatever I wanted without judgement.

Writing taught me a thing or two about habits. The more of it you do, the more it becomes a part of you. It can not be forced by someone else. You must feel like doing it from within. How the young me 'felt like writing' , I still don't know. Maybe it was the influence of Anne Frank's Diary. Sometimes I still wonder whether I have the kind of insights and wisdom that young German girl had at 13. It was a strange experience. There was nothing common between the two of us except our age. We both were 13..I mean she was 13 when she started writing it and I was 13 when i started reading her Diary. She had an older sister, so did I. She didn't get along with her mum very well, neither did I. And we both trusted our fathers more. Her situations were very different from mine, but I felt a deep connection with her that I remember to this day. I knew her in a way I have never known anyone. I doubt anybody else opened up to me as much as she did.

Anyway, I have quite a few diaries with me by now. I still write. When I don't, I feel like a mess. The whole of year 2018 was about writing. I stopped doing everything else just so that I write. Write stories, plays, ..whatever ...I just couldn't wait for a better time to be able to do this. I love it so much, I can do this all my life, without being paid, without being appreciated, without being known for doing it!

A lot of my friends tell me I should publish a book...and somewhere along even I started feeling the desire to publish a book. Well! How this desire arose in me after writing more than 10 diaries? Why didn't I publish when I had finished writing my very first diary? Did I feel it wasn't of any worth?

Actually, I never wrote for someone else. I always wrote for myself. It never crossed my mind that somebody else should read whatever I am writing. I hid my diaries with great care. I know that a boyfriend or two have read my diaries. One of them even suggested I destroy all of them so that i don't have any memories of my past, he suggested I would feel light after I did that. He convinced me till a great extent....he wanted me to destroy something he himself could not have even dreamt of creating. Yes.. the position of  my planets is so screwed that I do end up running into such horrible people!

But I have also run into some very amazing people! People who inspired me, people who stood by me, people who took the bad name just so that I learn an important lesson. Looking back, I can safely say that I am more blessed than cursed. My Karma keeps the balance! :-)

So the year 2019 is about writing every day on my blog.
Write an observation, or a lesson, an insight, something that happened or about a disappointment, a memory, any feelings, any thoughts..just note down everything I feel on a day to day basis without fail.

Wake up in the morning.
Thank God I am alive!
So, do the thing I like to do the most!

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