As the year rushes to an end, I struggle with my daily schedule ....trying to fit in the the new year resolutions "Going live" from 1st of January.
Writing every day seems to come naturally to me, 2nd nature.
But waking up early?
Exercise every day?
Meditation one hour a day!??
Ahem ...Ahem....
And one more...
No sweets- no chocolates- no pastries.
Do new year resolutions really help?
What do we do when mid year we fail ourselves on the promises we make ?
I have a solution.
Some 4 years back I came up with an idea . It's called the year end review. I also do half yearly reviews just to check where I am flowing. This is not to suggest that I am a control freak and I want to watch over each and every detail of my life. But yes, some things in life are important and they must be done otherwise life seems such a waste.
I made a resolution 4 years back to become a vegetarian. I could fulfil that one only this year. It was a back and forth process. I would quit for a few months, then comes a family function and my favourite chicken dish would be cooked, my family would tell me 'it's okay sweetheart' and I would pop in the piece . This happened for 4 years until this year, when I no longer could derive pleasure out of the food in my mouth. It happened automatically. It tasted dead, empty. All I could think of is the way the poultry industry works and mishandles life. Now chicken feels like crime served on a plate.
My next big stop is to quit garlic and onion.
And next to next is to completely shift over to pranic foods.
It's possible. It may not happen this very year...It may not even happen the next and next to next year. But as long as what I resolve is kept up with, I am good and I believe in giving myself a big pat on my back.
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