Thursday, December 27, 2018

WEC- Day 7- Year End Review 2018!

As we rush towards the end of the year, I see a lot of people come down to their native place, they want to meet old friends and family. Some like me want to turn inwards and focus on myself rather than getting lost in the glitter and the noise, many others want to forget their pain in the music and the chatter. To each his own.

End of the year is a special time. A time to reflect on the year gone by. I ask myself these questions every year end , and as years roll by I can see where I am going.

Here's the list of questions:

1. List 10 highlights of this year.
2. List 10 disappointments
3. What were the 3 game changers this year?
4. What were the things I focussed on?
5. What were the things I forgot about?
6. List the things I love in my life.
7. "We are what we do repeatedly. " What are the good things I have been doing repeatedly? And what are the bad things I did repeatedly?
8. List the times when I felt most empowered?
9. What questions do you want to ask yourself in order to discover yourself?
10. What would you do if you could not fail?

Try it. Take your time. Sit with a paper and a pen. Make sure you save this list so you can check out next year end how much you have changed. Be truthful to yourself. Don't steal others dreams. The point is to find your own unique path.

At the end, write down your reflections...Are you living the life you desired? Or are you simply making someone else happy?

Think about it...

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