Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Dear Readers,


It's been  long time since I blogged last...I guess it's been around 5+ years. I have missed this space, I must confess. Life has been good with new lessons and experiences, I am good as long as I have something new to learn ..

One of the primary reasons I blocked Sincro Station version 1 is because I got uncomfortable with unknown people getting to know so much about me. I guard my privacy very much, my god! I don't even frequent social media platforms much. But writing remains my weakness and it runs parallel to my life. This is one thing I have accepted over the years that I am going to be writing and I am going to show the world who I am, what I matter what the backlash.

Like the last time, I have no boundaries about what I am going to speak about and what I will not. All the matters that take my attention will find space here. In short , here's a list of matters that find space in my life:

1. Books & learning

2. Spiritual growth, spiritual writings

3. Stories : short, long, episodic, fiction, non-fiction

4. Questions: Asking the right questions leads us to our destination. So asking the right questions is extremely important and I keep playing with questions in my head: why this? why not? What if? All of them. 

5. Movies

6. People

7. Free advice/wisdom on things I have learnt

Here are a few topics you may not find on this blog:

1. Fashion, make up, clothes anything that is about outward beauty and looks.

2. Commercial content: I do not get paid to write. I am not interested in selling anything to my readers, even though it may sound that way sometimes.

3. Politics: No comments!

4. Sports: I like to play some local sport, but I don't have much to write about it as I don't like making anything into competition. Gaming on the other hand, is a different topic and I am very much into gaming!

The aim of this blog:

a. To speak on matters that have intellectual/spiritual value.

b. Through this blog I want to connect with people who think alike and from whom I can learn.

c. To promote non commercial writing content which is unbiased & free.

That's it for now,

Warm regards,

J Sincro

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